Is it possible that ES and goog had a private mail server set up in NK for the cabal so that there was no possible way any intel org could access the physical server? He was there twice it seems. Perhaps there were 2 server and two networks. (Perhaps completely off the general internet) Very ingenious if true.
I bet they had some custom hardware and software in the server to "talk" to the network/servers in NK.
If true - this takes the treason narrative to the next level.
What are the odds that a large percentage of them are clown controlled or influenced?
The thing with ham radio is that usually there is another ham radio operator on the other end to receive your comms. Hams do some packet radio comms which is like internet over the air. It would be interesting to see who else in the deep state is licensed for amateur radio.
HRC will never ask for a deals because she most likely believes that she is untouchable and that the rules do not apply to her. The clinton crime family have got away with so much over the years that she believes she is smarter than anyone else trying to bring her to justice.
Gen Flynn did you check your pockets after this pic was taken? :)
This Q post is a master piece. Hugely trolling the pravda media so that they will react negatively toward us anons. They will again overplay their hand by criticizing us loudly. That will wake up more people that ever. Wow!
Secondly he lays out the connections from podesta to hrc/huma.
Pure genius sir.
PS is still employed which probably implies he is co-operating too.
Also I think there were key crumbs in the report that needed to get out into mass circulation. The seeds have been planted.
Q has never let us down. If he says she asked in Dec then i stand corrected.
But i do not trust her as being genuine. If she offered a deal then it would have been on her terms and probably wanted a slap on the wrist to make this go away.
Thank you Q. It is good to learn that HRC panicked. Keep up the pressure on her and her crime family please.