LCN Quotes 007 – Science Virus Edition
Posted on October 16, 2022 by LCNews
When we find quotable quotes that we think you might like to see too — we post them.
"We’re investigating Hunter Biden because he’s a national security threat."
-GOP Rep. James Comer
"You will learn that lies can cause the FBI to wield their powers too aggressively, and you will also learn that lies can cause the FBI to not act aggressively enough. And you will see examples of both — both of those situations here in this trial [the Danchenko trial]."
Special Counsel Prosecutor Michael Keilty
"Think about it: if Obama officials believed Snowden had possession of an extremely sensitive archive of top secret documents – as they insist but Snowden denies – why would they want to trap him in Russia? Because they knew it’d be easy to convince idiots he was a Kremlin spy."
Glenn Greenwald
"The primary idea is that the publication of incorrect knowledge—including potentially entire sub-branches of scientific literature, and including fabricated results—can become accepted through the peer-reviewed system of publication, making it economically harder to unwind and correct the direction of science. The implications are obvious, and more frightening than ever given the way we’ve seen policy steered toward moneyed interests."
Matthew Crawford
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H.L. Mencken