>Nicky Santana
Boston U Docs creates a covid hyper cold virus with 80% mortality rate with NIH research fiat.
He tells the players what they can get away with and warns them about what God will not tolerate. They say.
Fake virus fake vaccine.
We can ID sources of information and FUD, map bot nets, identify assets. We can also tell who's an NPC, they simply repeat what they've heard accepting a preferred narrative un the absence of evidence.
Steiner says the blood is the domain of the lower angelic hierarchies - it is where the adverse powers have been expelled from historically. Most recently according to Steiner in the last 1/3 of the 19'th century. At any rate, as he says,bloodis a very special substance
Thebloodis also a fluid network which serves to coordinate the function of every organ system in the body, an autonomous interactive medium with defensive and offensive capacities. It has intelligence and makes decisions; it establishes our physical age. You can see why it fascinates vampires, phlebotomists and clowns.
a false flag now will need to be 911 scale to make have impact. An event of that size, for example a fake nuke on CONUS would instantly neutralize every other story