:Money. is no :commodity. which can generate :anything. from {within} :itself. . :Money. is a :counter. for :commodities. and :services. agreed upon by :people. using it for :trade. .
:Taxes. and i:nterests. are :theft., and therefor :sin. .
You will die without food after three months. You will die without water after three days. You will die without air after three minutes. You will not die without money!
About 2000 years ago someone crafted a whip and went to the temple and flipped the tables of the moneylenders because he knew this.
My opinion on this matter may reflect the truth.
Money - no matter of which currency - can not buy liberty, freedom, happiness or any other unalienable virtue given by the creator. This means these virtues can not be traded, taken or altered. Not by any other being, not by any law, not by circumstances, Proclaiming and acting otherwise is a crime, and therefor a capital sin.
Only the creator can determine and handle failure, as we are fallible creatures by design, which does not include permission to abuse this knowledge as excuse for false intentions - the creator knows.
Some people are so poor, - all they have is worthless money.
Count your blessings.
:This. :information. is :free. of :charge.
You are blessed and loved
The details of the reasoning at the bottom of the :Declaration of Independence. from the line
"He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
โฆ until the line โฆ
"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."
is much more than just those about 50 lines and includes very detailed evidence on somewhat 2000 to 5000 pages โฆ
If the declaration were to be written today anew (which is not required), that detailed evidence would stack ten times to the sun and back, and Iยดm not writing here about the classified stuff โฆ.
It is just so ridiculous โฆ
Read it and replace the king of great britain with the current government (according in tzhe accusations "he" with "them".
And do this accordingly in every country on the planet, so we can get this over with, we all got better stuff to do..
The history of the present :":[[[King of Great Britain]]]."-:{replaced by the term}.-":government." is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.