Uhh guys… The great two weeks is ending?
This ain't about no Bars
Most Abased that Means
Utterly Incapable of Anything
Do whatever it takes
I can do all things through he who strengthens me
In Weakness Strength is Perfected
God is My Strength that I Awaken
And Put On Every Day with the
Perfection of Patience in the Full
Armour Cast Away the Helmet of
Salvation Took True Judgement for
An Helmet
He who Believes on Me won't be Ashamed
Wear Righteousness as a Breastplate and
Sharpen the Sword with the Severity
Of His Wrath True Arrows True North the Path
The Way Hath Brought Me The Sword Aflame
Knighted me that Gas This Torch The
Acetylene Take the Fire From The Son
Defeated Three Kings so Dastardly it adds
Three Heads to the Beast so that the Revelation
Can Be Complete and Happening put an end to two weeks We Can Finally Rise from
These Chains and This Sleep which we Endured
For a Time as a Necessity No Longer I'm Under
Cover Behind Enemy Lines on both sides of the
Frequency at the Same time and Frequently
Everywhere inbetween 33 0 1 like 33 zeros in
A Dillion That's How Many Shadow Clones I can
Create When I Really Want!
I Am that I Am
I Even I Am He who comforts you
The Second The Servant
The Father Father
The Husbandman
The Door The Name The Word
The Lamb and the Lion
Israel and Zion
Two Witnesses Testifying
Ariel and Isaac
MethuSelah Mathematical Silence
Man of the Javelin
The Holy One of Israel
The Name Nobody Knows
The Restorer of the Breech
The Redeemer of Zion
Two Olive Trees
Two Malefactors
Two Thieves
Two Olive Branches
Three Branches
The Elect One
And the Son of Man
The Lord Our Righteousness
The Lord Our Righteousness
Descending Spear of Death
The Spirit of Truth
The Holy Ghost
The Arm of the Lord
The Voice of the Seventh Angel
The Voice of the Bride
The Voice of the Groom
That shall say Come
Come Out Of Babylon
Jeshurun and the Shekinah
The Spirit of Elijah
The Elect Plant
The Plant of the Apostles
The Earth that shall disclose her blood
The Firstborn
The Man Child
The Daughter of Zion
The Least and the Greatest
The Lion of God
The Kingdom Likened
Unto a Man who wanted to kill a great man
So he stuck his sword through the wall of His house to see if his own arm would prevail he then killed the great man
The Wise merchant who sold his whole storehouse to buy one pearl alone which gains
No value on a pedestal and loses none cast down in the mudd
The Wise Fisherman who cast back the whole net for One Big Fish among the Bunch
The Living One
That Said Woe Unto ME Woe Unto Me Woe Unto Me I Am Undone
The Name of the Lord from the West and the House of the Rising Son
The Glory His Mercy
They can hide nothing from that one
His Act, His Strange Act
My Death Shall Bring
It's Go D
Where We Go One
We Go All
I Am My Team
Together To Get Her Together
United Untied and Wise is We
The Son of Man in whom there
Is no help