Dasting that the bunker gets locked down when I start defendingAMOURANTHand her shitty situation with her piece of shit digital trafficking husband…
Gonna be even more interesting when TWITCH tries to bury the whole thing…
SO I'll poast here again
Reply to BunkerFag that thinks anybody being trafficked can just leave whenever they want….
You clearly do not understand the concept and tactics of mind control, do you?
I should mention that during the stream I linked, she mentions being scared of him and his cult family…
Is the red text big enough there?
Why does any prostitute not get out of their situation? Because they WANT to be there?
Mind Control is a real thing fren… If you actually watch the stream… you can see for yourself she has been in a bad situation for a while… and felt like she's had no choice..
The first few minutes of the stream are her "husband" basically screaming at her like she's worthless…
You'd be amazed how easy it is to fall into that situation and not realize until it's too late…
Jekyl and Hyde anyone?