Now anons, something I've learned my time here, digging is, EVERY post realPOTUS puts out has meaning. Timestamps, news unlocks, etc. They speak DIRECTLY TO US ON THIS BOARD.
Daily confirmations, guided direction, continual back channel communications to verify and establish/confirm the integrity of the plan/events taking place.
EVERY SINGLE DAY. They do this because WE ARE THE PLAN. WE ARE THE NEWS. WE ARE THE SPREADERS OF TRUTH. With that said, My dot connecting in realPOTUS's recent TRUTH post TT2533 using timestamps, deltas, clip length, keywords layered on top of methods mentioned.
Coincidences on top of coincidences that PAINT THE PICTURE.
TT2533 @ 10/18/2022 11:23:50
Did a search of timestamp (11:23) and came up with 4 Q drops and 2 TRUTHS.
Q 622 @ 01/27/2018 11:23:54
Time to play, Dopey.
Black Forest.
Q 1522 @ 06/17/2018 11:23:12
Anonymous 06/17/2018 11:19:39 ID:4321b0
8chan/qresearch: 1784394
About time Congress acted like it still has some power. We'll see. Intelligence branch has had it neutered w so-called nat sec
GOOG OP provided undeniable proof.
How do you share what you already know (legally)?
Those who don’t act now know they cannot hide the reasons why.
What a wonderful day.
Q 1984 @ 08/29/2018 11:23:41
Anonymous 08/29/2018 11:22:39 ID:6edb2c
8chan/qresearch: 2783116
Q left out the R in server
Error not intended.
Q 4227 @ 05/13/2020 11:23:26
Image Name: EW4co5dWAAYy_Ft.jpg
[Russia] narrative ALL FAKE?
First DELTA (TT1996 @ 09/23/2022 11:23:16 to TT2533 @ 10/18/2022 11:23:50) is a 600 Hr DELTA
Q 600 @ 01/23/2018 20:26:55
Image Name: B1ADF2C9-65EF-42CB-A3D8-8B….png
Future proves past.
News unlocks map.
Second DELTA (within TT2533 and Retruth/repost from @tarawilson85) is a 465 Hr DELTA
Q 465 @ 01/05/2018 17:18:47
One post today.
No other platforms used.
No comms privately w/ anyone.
Don’t get lost.
When month and day are mirrored I come up with Q post 1332
Q 1332 @ 05/10/2018 22:43:20
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
Q 2494 @ 11/20/2018 21:42:33
[D]ec 5
Nothing can stop what is coming.
This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid].
This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.
Panic in DC.
Several connections VIA key phrases.
First …Conspiracy no more. → TT2533 …No longer just a nasty myth, concept, or idea.
"This will get Donald Trump elected" YT video
Connected with Q 2494 with same YT video ALSO having the key phrase …"there is no stopping it now." D5.(Q 1332) → …"[D]ec 5 D5 Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing." (Q 2494)
Phrases in both drops connect VIA YT video phrases with an additional layer of timestamp connection (Seconds) in TT1996 (:16) and TT2533 (:50) which tells me this section of the YT is the relevant part;
(To make all the text fit as body of text was too long, refer to the graphic)
Q 1332 and Q 4227 connection to "unlocked news" re: Danchenko's acquittal
The CORRUPTION Re: decision of acquittal will come back to BITE THEM in the ass.
We are at a crossroads in our civilization that will determine whether we will reclaim control over our government.
The SOLUTION within the plan will NOT be a [BAND AID]
We stand UNITED (WW)
WE FIGHT (Be loud, heard. Spread the truth out)
This is no longer a CONSPIRICY.
Am I missing anything?