World Depopulaion is the agenda and they are not going to stop. We learn now that they are fucking around "again" up there in Boston with something that does not develop naturally in nature and one has to ask, why? Why are these scientist experimenting with these things if there is a zero chance that this virus woudl develop on it's own and be the threat that they are engineering this thing to be. It only makes sense if you take into consideration their desire to thin the world's population. Not my fucking words, theirs.
That woman, Kari Lake, is absolutely gorgeous. Watched that video of her the other day addressing those shit stained journalist and she ripped them a new fucking ass. When she speaks to these filth she has total command over them and when one tries to interupt her? They get that "look" and a very stern "excuse me" which basically tells them to STFU and listen.
I love this woman!!!!
Sure it should. The Fed is all for it. Problem is, congress has the plenary power to mint, coin currancy and there ain't one fucking thing the Fed can do about it. They'll try, but they will fail.
There's a simple remedy for tyrannical fucks like this and it is a fucking noose. Nice and tight.
That is a damn good question anon. Perhaps when the shit hits the fan and the White Hats in the Mil take all this shit down they will be included.
YEOW!!!!! Sorry, couldn't help it.
Wifeanon thinks so!!! kek
Ain't no fucking hat those democrats are wearing there anon.
Creativity is the Mother of Invention, Aye!!!
Now that is a Gaggle of Faggots!!! Coming soon to your child's elementary school. Good fucking grief.
No, it will be "razor thin, down to the wire, too close to call", then will come the concocted problems, machine down, more mail in ballots showing up on and on and on.
That's when they're gonna steal it. There is no fucking way on this planet that these elections and the ones in the past can be anywhere near this close. It's been their playbook the entire time. Hope Mil does the same as in 2016 or this shit is finished. Country is not gonna take another 2 fucking years of this shit.
Won't happen in Red States.
Got turned around here on that one. Meant for this one>>>>>>>>>17698466