There's GatorAnon!
Many such anons were saying TY this morning.
> 8chanAnon
Oh no nuh uh.
You're QR/Bunker namefag handle is GatorAnon.
Done deal settled science.
You can still be 8chanAnon out in normieland places tho.
You wanting to change it triggered me into a Grammy Cat infraction.
So, let's not discuss it any further.
>new code
I've been using the same one (KXGC4NAAHFPZGUMT) since this morning and it's worked every time.
>and totp number
That code changing constantly is the very basis for what was implemented here.
Ok, but using it non-stop on the Gator spits out a code that works every single time.
I'm happy with that.
I've been using this one since early this morning.
Now I'm not jinxing it by refreshing or clearing cache or closing the browser.
Not until it finally fails.
Nope not gunna do it.
kek alright
Sorry in advance to hear about his deadly car crash next week.
GatorAnon, easily the vast majority here are appreciative of your efforts.
However, there has been a sporadic disinfo campaign here (and The Bunker) all day purporting your code is bad news gonna cause the 'puter to start smoking and the bank accts drained.
From the same folks that have no issues letting Google come inside to babysit the kids no biggie what could go wrong style.
But, that's QR 2022 for ya.
>way too much work
He's created workarounds in way <24 hours after things get released here.
If that's too much work then everybody that needs IT workers should hire the guy.
Well, here's the sit rep.
Gator is allowed to remain as a posting option and 8kun QR continues with the Renaissance packed house of happy active anons doing their thing again.
Or, it gets banhammered somehow and things return to pic related.
Bottom Line: Where's Spammer other than a brief raid on Endchan yesterday?
If it ain't broke then they should leave things as-is.
Sorry to see you so irritated right now, anon.
If I could help I surely would.
>t. Satisfied Gator User