They all know the Hammer is going to drop,love it, can't wait till it finally does, get them judges in place Q : )
They're prob trying to get people on their side for a revolt as a last chance effort, once people see the real evidence, don't think they're going to have many friends left
Justice for all is all I ever wanted, Godspeed, this is Glorious!
That's cool
I didn't find this, the other anon did, but the ears do look right and all the others I felt were suspect on the ears, Q…..Is this him?
saved : )
I said this after Q posted about the proofs, we need another board just for the normies who want the proofs,info,and links. Send them there and just keep this room for serious research only (come in at your own risk) and we carry on as usual in here, you're never going to clean up this room and quite frankly i'm not sure i'd want to, it would lose it's edge, that's what I love about it in here, and i'm the one who usually posts this version of the Lords Prayer : )