Chain Bridge Bank
Chain Bridge Bank, National Association (N.A.) is a nationally chartered bank organized under the laws of the United States. The Bank is headquartered in McLean, Virginia and serves businesses, individuals, professional firms, trade associations, medical practices, political committees and nonprofit organizations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and around the country. The Bank reported $483.5 million in assets as of 2016.[1] The Washington Business Journal described it as "the community bank of choice for conservative political campaigns."
>the community bank of choice for conservative political campaigns."
Fitzgerald had two major moments in the spotlight in the Senate, the first in 2000 when he filibustered a massive federal spending bill because it included funds for the Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield. He accused Republican governor George Ryan, who later served a six-and-a-half-year prison sentence on a corruption conviction, of opposing competitive bidding so he could dole money to political allies, saying "I want Illinois to get a $150 million (Abraham Lincoln) library, not a $50 million library that just happens to cost $150 million."[8] His second major moment was following the September 11, 2001 attacks, when Congress quickly passed a massive bailout measure for most of the major airlines, which were in trouble financially. Standing alone out of all members of the U.S. Senate, Fitzgerald delivered a speech, "Who will bail out the American taxpayer",[9] arguing that the airlines would simply go through the money and remain financially unstable. The bill passed 96–1.
Fitzgerald is a staunch conservative on such issues as opposition to abortion (except to save the life of the mother), gay marriage and taxes, but on some issues, particularly environmental issues, he opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge throughout his tenure in the US Senate and broke with conservative colleagues. Fitzgerald also supported "reasonable" gun control, immigration reform and the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation.
Throughout his tenure in the Senate, Fitzgerald battled with the state Republican Party leadership. He insisted on the appointment of an out-of-state US attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald (unrelated[10]) to investigate corruption in the Illinois state government. Though state party officials wanted a "friendly" attorney for Illinois, Fitzgerald insisted on someone who did not have friends or enemies in the Illinois government. Several indictments resulted, including that of former Republican Governor George Ryan, who was later convicted of several criminal abuses of authority, and Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted of attempting to sell the Senate seat vacated by Fitzgerald's successor and President-elect Barack Obama. The scandal was seen as ensuring Illinois' reputation as one of the most politically corrupt states.[11][12]
When the Republican establishment made clear that they would not be support him for reelection, Fitzgerald announced he would retire at the end of his current term. Republicans nominated Jack Ryan for the seat in the primaries. However, Ryan was later pressured by the Illinois Republican Party to withdraw because of publicity received from the contents of his previously-sealed divorce case. Fitzgerald stood by Ryan and supported him, despite the pressure from the media and the Illinois Republican party on Ryan to withdraw. Just 86 days before the election, the party drafted Maryland native Alan Keyes as the nominee. Keyes was accused of "carpetbagging,"[13][14][15][16] and was defeated by Barack Obama by more than 40 percent of the vote. It has been stated that Fitzgerald, who was popular among independents, stood the best chance of retaining the seat and defeating Obama, who went on to win the presidential election just four years later.[12] During his final months in office, Fox News ran an op-ed on Fitzgerald, "Retiring Senator Stood Up for Principles."[17]
ties into blago and obama