$$$ is really the only 100% sure way to get them.
Was Comey sending a message with his tweet the other night?
'A fate worse than death' to many of them.
Mar 22 2017 - Nunes does surprise presser about unmasking
Mar 24 - Comey does unannounced visit to West Wing…not much media coverage
May - Chaffetz sets up counseling session btwn Mueller and Comey
June - Comey testifies/perjures himself and mentions Loretta obstructed…without being asked.
Very weird.
I still want to know where Eric Braverman is…
He's the one that ratted out the Clinton Foundation to a media person…
The July presser when Comey said 'no prosecutor would go after her on emails' or something to that effect…I agree.
When you look at all of the Clinton Foundation stuff they have on her, emails are not the best option, in my opinion.
I think Comey got sucked in…but I think Trump gave him 'the speech'.
Fix some of this shit or go down like the rest.
Just my thoughts.
Pretty sure he's been with Trump for a while…providing people and intel for a long time…