Anonymous ID: 51526a June 16, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.1770711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0725 >>0754 >>0757 >>0775 >>0819

Biblefag here

And I'm sure like many other Biblefags who have been following and participating in (in whatever small ways we can) this 2nd American Revolution for what has been years now…

I'm just a dude living a simple life, trying my best to be a good person and trying my best to raise my children to be good people in this crazy upsidedown world.

And I'm so grateful to the Q team for working to restore this country to be the safe haven it was intended to be for people like me.

Things were looking hopeless there for a while.

America (and the common sense it represents) was on life support.

But I feel like there is hope for the first time in a long time.

Like there might be a force working for good that is just as powerful as the forces working for evil.

Sometimes fear creeps in and I worry that Q is a trap to identify and remove the revolutionarily-minded.

Maybe I've listened to too much Leonard Cohen (fuck you, Brian Williams):

"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

Everybody knows that the war is over

Everybody knows the good guys lost

Everybody knows the fight was fixed

The poor stay poor, the rich get rich

That's how it goes

Everybody knows"

When that happens I try to ignore these boards and go about my life, but I'm drawn back by the lingering sense that the 2nd American Revolution really is actively taking place in these threads.

We Biblefags are told to be "cunning as serpents and yet as harmless as doves." While I'm raising those doves, I have a responsibility to be as aware of the evil forces in the world as I can be.

It was so hard to discern those evil forces in a world where the elites control the bulk of accessible information.

Now their tools of control are being used against them.

It's an amazing thing to be a part of and great responsibility.

We anons are a privileged minority having access to this kind of information.

Most people have no idea what is going on.

While I think these boards will be a great resource as more and more people wake up, I think the way the information is being organized might need to be rethought.

Most normies are incapable of making sense of this mess the same way the autists on here can.

I'm suggesting opening a board where we can start laying out The Idiot's Guide to the 2nd American Revolution.

The egotistical capitalist in me had designs on writing this myself and selling it for profit, but that would be wrong for a couple of reasons:

  1. There is no one anon who is best qualified to construct this type of narrative. We've all played a part. We all have our pet research projects and are subject matter experts in different pieces of the puzzle. This type of narrative should be crowd-sourced wiki style.

  2. This information should be free to the public. The truth about this period in time could be argued to be a quasi-Amendment to the Constitution. And, as such, should be as free and accessible to the American people as an Amendment would be.

People will need to know what happened. We will need to explain it to them. This must happen, so that a takeover of our country can never again get as far as it did up until Trump was elected.

I don't know if the narrative should be constructed using wikipedia's format so that it can be posted there under a "2nd American Revolution" page when the time comes when millions will suddenly have their eyes opened.

Once they adjust to the light, they'll need an easy-to-understand explanation of what was happening while they were sleeping.