Anonymous ID: 676303 June 16, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.1770700   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0715 >>0743 >>0762 >>0765 >>1078

Oh shit, did the cabal also finance the anti-Vietnam war demonstrations and riots?


Antifa of the 1960s-70s?


I don't recall there ever being these massive anti-war demonstrations in the country…at any point in history prior to the 1960s.


Was that a deliberate attempt to make it seem like there was an organic anti-anti-communism movement arising within the country?


To trick the populace into accepting it as a political option in the sense that it deserved a seat at the table of the republic, as opposed to be handcuffed and thrown into a military prison?


Was McCarthy right after all? Why did the media…start……….attacking McCarthy…….?


Oh no…..

Anonymous ID: 676303 June 16, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.1770759   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0771 >>0786



The SJW snowflakes don't get it that the WORD "faggot" isn't some magical spell of evil cast out to harm delicate souls and suck…their….energy…..


People are in control of any word, words and speech alone do not constitute ANY harm whatsoever to anyone.


If a person is convinced that "words matter", the SJW definition, they haven't discovered any social secret. All they did was try to convince their own selves that their own words should be able to control other people's minds and behavior.


How can this be done with many words from many people?


You try to increase the relative size of the usage of your words, over the words of others for themselves.


If you can get the executive authorities of nations to enforce censored speech, as opposed to free speech (Soros is so stupid he's financing commies to attack free speech, which was exactly what they advocated for during the 1960s…or were they misled?)