Hey Jim I have an offer. To stop the SPAM hit me on my telegram (@tgcherrypeek) (i'm) depe-moon(nick name I use to troll lowlifes lul kek sneed)
Hey Jim I have an offer. To stop the SPAM hit me on my telegram (@tgcherrypeek) (i'm) depe-moon(nick name I use to troll lowlifes lul kek sneed)
Hey Jim I have an offer. To stop the SPAM hit me on my telegram (@tgcherrypeek) (i'm) depe-moon(nick name I use to troll lowlifes lul kek sneed)
PLVS VLTRA is a Public Intelligence Entity & Watchdog geared towards investigating, checking, and remedying the several interconnected power structures operating with impunity & reckless abandonment towards the very citizens they set out to serve and protect worldwide. As a Publicly funded grassroots Intelligence Entity lead by individual outsiders from around the world, we are willing to go Further Beyond on the topics & subject matter that the Public Interest requests & demands.
Through utilization of an unbiased, independent investigative unit of Journalists & area professionals we are solely dedicated to empowering courageous individuals who still believe in a moral future that Humanity can look back on and be proud to represent. We believe the Mainstream Media, Government & Intelligence agencies worldwide have failed in their overall civic duty to hold themselves accountable. We believe the only way to effectively remedy these failures is to finally lift the veil of secrecy in order to learn from our History & avoid repeating prior action. We take pride in an outside of Industry approach that is driven by serving the Public Interest of Humanity.
📱 When you dial out to 911
Your phones connection needs to be ported over to Emergency Services -Fire, Police, EMS etc. The company controlling that process is iconectiv formerly Telcordia Technologies Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Foreign Swedish Telecom giant Ericsson.
In February of 2022, an internal investigation conducted between 2011-2019 by Ericsson was leaked to Journalists at the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists).
On February 27th, 2022 the ICIJ published their Investigation titled The Ericsson List.
Key Findings
The Ericsson List reveals that the Swedish telecom giant sought permission from the terrorist group known as the Islamic State to work in an ISIS-controlled city and paid to smuggle equipment into ISIS areas on a route known as the “Speedway.”
Ericsson made tens of millions of dollars in suspicious payments over nearly a decade to sustain its business in Iraq, financing slush funds, trips abroad for defense officials and payoffs through middlemen to corporate executives and possibly terrorists.
The telecom giant relied on politically connected fixers and unvetted subcontractors, sham contracts, inflated invoices, falsified financial statements and payments to “consultants” with nebulous job descriptions as part of its business dealings in Iraq.
Ericsson presided over corrupt conduct in Iraq even after it had acknowledged in 2013 that itwas cooperating with U.S. authorities investigating bribery allegations elsewhere. The U.S. probe, which does not mention Iraq, resulted in a $1 billion bribery settlement in 2019.
Ericsson conducted other internal probes of alleged misconduct in Lebanon, Spain, Portugal and Egypt. In addition, a spreadsheet lists undisclosed company probes into possible bribery, money laundering and embezzlement by employees in Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brazil, China, Croatia, Libya, Morocco, the United States and South Africa.
Hey Jim I have an offer. To stop the SPAM hit me on my telegram (@tgcherrypeek) (i'm) depe-moon(nick name I use to troll lowlifes lul kek sneed)