LCN Opinin’ 017 – LSJohn: Dirty Bomb Planned for Ukraine?
Posted on October 25, 2022 by LSJohn
'''High-level phone calls seem to warn of Dirty Bomb plans for Ukraine
Sequence of events:
Last week (October 18) Britain’s Defense Minister Ben Wallace unexpectedly announced that he would be flying to Washington, saying that his telephone conversations with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been compromised.
Wallace flew to Washington and met with Austin. According to Greek/British international foreign policy analyst Alexander Mercouris, “Lloyd Austin then telephones Russian Defense Secretary Sergei Shoigu… At the same time, Wallace writes to Shoigu…. about a Black Sea incident” between Russian and Nato aircraft. Shoigu and Wallace had a brief conciliatory dialogue.
Then, according to Mercouris, “A few hours later, we get news that there’s been another conversation; this time it is Shoigu calling Austin about this threat of a dirty bomb. Then Shoigu goes on a whole marathon of calls: he calls the Turkish Defense Secretary… he calls the French Defense Secretary; he calls the British Defense Secretary [Wallace], and; he also calls Lloyd Austin again.”
My speculation runs to Russia picking up a discussion between Austin and Wallace, with Wallace somehow becoming aware of that. The subject of the conversation being dirty bomb(s), it is interpreted in this scenario as possible false flag planning — either by Volodymyr Zelensky, or someone higher on the food chain. On the other hand, Wallace may not know who had compromised his channel with Austin, and merely assumed it to be Russia. [Top three candidates are Russia, China and Israel.]
Mercouris again: “All of this, I suspect, is in some way related to a dirty bomb; and note that this whole sequence of events started with some sort of concern in London that confidential conversations with Washington were compromised.” In the end, Mercouris concludes speculatively that Zelensky was indeed planning or working on a dirty bomb; and that all the others involved in these conversations were and are horrified by it.
A dirty bomb would be far more effective as a false flag operation by Ukraine, blamed on Russia, than it would be as an offensive weapon. As an offensive weapon, Zelensky would realize that a dirty bomb would be a pin-prick compared to what it might do for his efforts if Ukraine’s sponsors believed Russia to be responsible. He’s even said that any use of a nuclear weapon by Russia (which a dirty bomb technically is not, but spinnable as such) should initiate first-strike nuclear plans by the West.
For what it’s worth, if I were planning that, I’d be thinking of a near miss or indirect hit on Chernobyl — which is close to Kiev and under Ukraine control.
There is talk now about IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) going to Ukraine to “inspect,” apparently related to Russian allegations of Zelensky creating a dirty bomb. If I understand the technology as it’s been explained to me, the “inspection” is purely for cosmetic purposes to “find” Zelensky innocent of the charge. A dirty bomb can apparently be put together in your grandmother’s basement without Grandma knowing. Spent nuclear waste/byproduct can simply be wrapped around a conventional explosive charge. On detonation, the explosive charge is itself no more damaging than it would have been without the nuclear material, but it sends radioactive particles in all directions. Since there is no nuclear reaction involved, it does not qualify as a nuclear device according to international norms.
I now think Russian SIGINT picked up Wallace telling Austin that Zelensky was suggesting the use of a dirty bomb. Since Wallace and Austin believed that their TransAtlantic conversation had been overheard, Austin called Shoigu to tell him what they thought he already knew (and probably did.) Then Shoigus’s flurry of calls to the four NATO Defense leaders were to say that someone needs to get a grip on Zelensky.