16 hour breads?
How long has it been stuck on 16 hour breads?
1 day? 2 days? Since BOOMER-JIM allowed the fucking jews to take control over this board?
How about having anons provide an ANAL print before posting, you LOSER BOOMER SCUMBAG?
16 hour breads?
How long has it been stuck on 16 hour breads?
1 day? 2 days? Since BOOMER-JIM allowed the fucking jews to take control over this board?
How about having anons provide an ANAL print before posting, you LOSER BOOMER SCUMBAG?
This place is deader than Kelsey's nuts.
Way to go, boomer-jim.
Get moar jews to help you out. I am sure that will help, you BOOMER, Jew-LOVING faggot!