Anonymous ID: 51cd0f June 16, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.1771829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


280- 300 >>1751055


This part begins that Strozk is informed by Andy McCabe there are emails on Weiner's laptop, that might involve HRC and they are going to go to NY to find out more about them. Not a clue as to what is going to be disclosed within the next month.


Page stated she wasn't that much involved in this as she was concentrating on Russia.


McCabe spoke to Comey about the Weiner laptop in passing but does not recall it being a priority.


Comey was questioned about when he learned of the laptop and it's contents. Comey can't remember from the end of September to late October. He never gave it much thought or importance.


Randy Coleman, Bill Priestap and Mike Steinbach, had been informed of the laptop from Weiner on September 28th.


"On 09/28/2016, EAD Randall Coleman received for [sic] call from AD Bill Sweeney indicating team of Agents investigating Anthony Weiner sexting case had discovered emails relevant to Clinton email investigation. AD Sweeney advised team had halted further review and would be requesting guidance from FBIHQ. EAD Coleman agreed and advised he would notify FBI General Counsel James Baker and DD Andrew McCabe. The call was concluded. On 09/28/2016, immediately after call with AD Sweeney, Coleman telephonically contacted DD McCabe at his office number to advise him of the circumstance described by AD Sweeney. DD McCabe advised he had already been made aware of matter. "


McCabe has a terrible memory concerning this phone call from Coleman.


Sept. 29 the group talks back and forth with NY attorney as to what they can look at with the warrant they have obtained.


A conference call on the morning of the 29th involved 9 people. This was to discuss the Clinton emails found on the laptop.


They spoke of the volume of emails. whether they saw beyond the domain name. they had. they had seen her initials but had not gone over content.


Agent 2 stated that NYO reported seeing emails from the domain. Analyst 1’s notes referenced the following domains:,,, clintonfoundation, and Analyst 2’s notes included a reference to “2007 dates on PC.


"FBI Attorney 1 explained: We didn’t know if it was the right timeframe. So, you know, Huma we knew, Huma had…worked for [Clinton] for a long time. So we weren’t sure of exactly, one, what, how much of the information on this was Huma’s versus Weiner’s. Because we thought it was his laptop. And then, two, whether it would have been relevant to the right time frame. We were looking for Clinton’s emails, not Huma’s emails. We also knew Huma had a clintonemail address, so she could have been using that for her own personal activities, so we just didn't know the full extent of what was on there."


They spoke with NY to be sure they understood the limited scope of the search warrant and made sure to emphasize they not look at content.

Anonymous ID: 51cd0f June 16, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.1771852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1898


300 pt.2 OIG summary Anonymous (You) 06/14/18 (Thu) 16:36:06 e04477 No.1751839>>1751872




McCabe's name comes up again and all we read is that he can't recall much of anything. He knows nothing about the time line.


Investigator's are slightly concerned about some emails on Abedin's cloud but that because of the volume of emails, that they were likely duplicates and not much to worry about.


Still discussing what they can and cannot look at. They have mentioned there might be a criminal case found in information on the laptop.


As noted previously, Coleman drafted a “Memorandum for Record” on November 7, 2016, documenting his involvement in the discovery of emails on the Weiner laptop that were potentially relevant to the Midyear investigation.


Coleman told us that after a meeting on October 3, he informed Bowdich and Baker about the information he had received from Sweeney concerning the laptop. Bowdich told us that he did not “specifically remember” this discussion with Coleman, but had no reason to doubt the memorandum’s accuracy. We showed Baker the Coleman memorandum and Baker stated that Coleman’s account “sounds about right.”


There is a lot of not being able to recall though all of these reports.


On Oct. 3rd, Bowdich sent an email to Comey and McCabe briefing them on items of interest from that day.


"Comey told us he did not recall this email and also did not recall what was “growing more complicated” in the Weiner matter. Comey stated that he was “only dimly” aware of the Weiner child exploitation investigation at this point in time. "


Comey and Coleman met on Oct.4, but Coleman could not remember the briefing.


Coleman told us that he kept regularly took notes in a journal. Coleman’s notes from October 4 contained the following entry: (1) Anthony Wiener [sic] (2) [Unrelated] (3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit 9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crime Against Children


Comey was asked about this meeting but he could not recall it.


All people interviewed, during this time, seem to have a very frail, weak memory.


By the Oct. 4th date, inspectors had downloaded all material from the laptop and had found a total of 675,000 emails and when they discovered the HRC name, they immediately ceased examining the content.


"After October 4, we found no evidence that anyone associated with the Midyear investigation, including the entire leadership team at FBI Headquarters, took any action on the Weiner laptop issue until the week of October 24, and then did so only after SDNY raised concerns about the lack of action. In this section, we detail the explanations given to us by FBI Headquarters and Midyear personnel about the reasons for this inaction."


"McCabe stated that he was “absolutely” disappointed that the team had not found out more information about what was on the Weiner laptop during this period."


Even though he was disappointed in the team not finding out any information, he didn't do anything to urge them to dig or work on the issue at all.


the Office of the Deputy Attorney General also refers to Rod Rosenstein.

Anonymous ID: 51cd0f June 16, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.1771856   🗄️.is 🔗kun




FBI Headquarters and Midyear personnel provided multiple explanations for the apparent inactivity on the Weiner laptop during this period. Explanations included claims of delay by NYO in processing the Weiner laptop, a lack of specific information about what had been discovered on the laptop, a focus on the Russia investigation, the fact that the Weiner laptop was not considered a priority during this period.


"Priestap told the OIG that, as the AD of the Counterintelligence Division, he was in charge of all of these efforts. Priestap stated: In sum, I do not believe that the Bureau made a conscious decision to specifically assign a lower priority to the review of [the Weiner] laptop, but rather—given the other extremely significant matters being handled by the Counterintelligence Division and the time typically associated with obtaining legal authority and processing data—it was not viewed as a mission critical activity. "


"Strzok echoed this notion that the Weiner laptop was not initially his highest priority. " Russia, Russia, Russia seemed to be what occupied them most of all, during this time frame.


"Likewise, Page stated that she and other members of the Midyear team were “super-focused” on the Russia investigation at this point. "


Comey commented "It was Russia, Russia, Russia all the time." That and Midyear Congress.


"We asked Comey if, in retrospect, the team should have been bigger. Comey responded, “Yeah maybe, yeah…. I think that’s a reasonable question to ask."


They were also waiting on more information from NYO.


"The Midyear SSA told us that he believed NYO was able to provide more information on the volume of emails on the laptop later in October. When asked if there was any additional information provided beyond volume, the Midyear SSA stated that there may have been “something more specific too” that he could not recall at the time of our interview. "


More faulty memory, It is amazing with such terrible mental capabilities they are able to do their jobs at all.(personal commentary)


Another reason cited by McCabe, Baker, and Priestap for the inactivity during this period was the need to resolve questions about the legal authority. The team decided on Sept 29th, the only way they would be able to access the documents would be through a new warrant.

Anonymous ID: 51cd0f June 16, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.1771877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2076


I just added mine for the 3third time! I don't know how to post them to my link in the list. I read 280-300 and first posted them the same day as we were assigned the pages. I don't know how to add them to the list but I kept asking for help.I never received it nor have the pages been added. they are there in the response list for the summary post.

I tried.

Anonymous ID: 51cd0f June 16, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.1771910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1932


I only had one run in with social services. This was back in the 1980's. Incompetent is not a good enough world for it. I truly do not believe they cared anything for the kids they were supposedly there to protect.