Anonymous ID: 6f254e June 16, 2018, 5:27 a.m. No.1771507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1513 >>1524 >>1665


Very important to remember that Rich was indicted for doing biz with IRAN.

Deep deep rabbit hole but probably worth to dig up due to the latest news

>>1771397 (lb-notable)


The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich

Interview starts around 06:30. Fascinating.


In 1983 Rich and partner Pincus Green were indicted on 65 criminal counts, including income tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and trading with Iran during the oil embargo (at a time when Iranian revolutionaries were still holding American citizens hostage).[17][7] The charges would have led to a sentence of more than 300 years in prison had Rich been convicted on all counts.[17] The indictment was filed by then-U.S. Federal Prosecutor (and future mayor of New York City) Rudolph Giuliani.

At the time it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history.[18]


Hearing of the plans for the indictment, Rich fled[9] to Switzerland and, always insisting that he was not guilty, never returned to the U.S. to answer the charges.[Notes 1] Rich's companies eventually pled guilty to 35 counts of tax evasion and paid $90 million in fines,[7] although Rich himself remained on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most-Wanted Fugitives List for many years,[20] narrowly evading capture in Britain, Germany, Finland, and Jamaica.[21] Fearing arrest, he did not even return to the United States to attend his daughter's funeral in 1996.[22]


On January 20, 2001, hours before leaving office, U.S. President Bill Clinton granted Rich a highly controversial presidential pardon. Several of Clinton's strongest supporters distanced themselves from the decision.[23] Former President Jimmy Carter, a fellow Democrat, said, "I don't think there is any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributable to his large gifts. In my opinion, that was disgraceful."

Anonymous ID: 6f254e June 16, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.1771547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2181


Thanks, just wondering about that dude. Only 44. Blood diamond trader who expanded his operations, it appears.

He has diamond and copper mining interests in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and has invested in iron ore, gold, cobalt, oil, agriculture, and banking.

says of himself, he should be awarded a Nobel Prize for his "work developing the Democratic Republic of the Congo"


born in December 1973, a grandson of Moshe Schnitzer, first President and co-founder of the Israel Diamond Exchange in 1947,[2] who won the Israel Prize in 2004. His family was traditionally involved in cutting and merchandising diamonds. While growing up, Gertler spent as much time as he could learning about the diamond trade from his father and grandfather.


Gertler's name appears more than 200 times in the Panama Papers. Mossack Fonseca registered at least two companies for him: Burford Commercial S.A. and Norseville Estates S.A. Gertler's attorney said, Gertler had "no knowledge of the claims raised regarding the [Panamanian firm's decision] to terminate representation in 2011."[49] Le Monde reported another two Mossack-Fonseca- incorporated shell companies, Foxwhelp Ltd and Caprikat Ltd, in the DR Congo oil industry.[3]

Anonymous ID: 6f254e June 16, 2018, 6:03 a.m. No.1771623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1768876 -2226 (repost)

>she was traveling to those locations to shop the new data she had access to as secretary of state

The REAL REAL story imo


>Pagliano described as a "brute force attack (BFA)" that was not "abnormal"

No shit, Sherlock

Anonymous ID: 6f254e June 16, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.1771769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1903


>Zanzibar nightclub in Wales???

The book, published in 1969, is set in the year 2010, and this allows us to make a point-by-point comparison, and marvel at novelist John Brunner’s uncanny ability to anticipate the shape of the world to come.

Indeed, his vision of the year 2010 even includes a popular leader named President Obomi

(8) Gay and bisexual lifestyles have gone mainstream, and pharmaceuticals to improve sexual performance are widely used (and even advertised in the media).

(9) Many decades of affirmative action have brought blacks into positions of power, but racial tensions still simmer throughout society.

But the most popular — and controversial — method of human improvement in the fictional world of 2010 presented by Brunner draws on biotechnology and the potential for tinkering with our DNA.

In Brunner’s novel, a prominent professor named Sugaiguntung (from a ex-Dutch SE Asian colony like INDONESIA) is working on a comparable line of research, and hopes to create superhumans by drawing on his experiences manipulating the DNA of orangutans.

Anonymous ID: 6f254e June 16, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.1771903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


John Kilian Houston Brunner (24 September 1934 – 26 August 1995) was a British author of science fiction novels and stories. His 1968 novel Stand on Zanzibar, about an overpopulated world, won the 1969 Hugo & BSFA Awards for best science fiction novel.

He served as an officer in the Royal Air Force from 1953 to 1955.

He died of a heart attack in Glasgow on 25 August 1995 (aged 60), while attending the World Science Fiction Convention there.

John Brunner wrote the screenplay for the 1967 science fiction film The Terrornauts by Amicus Productions.

Amicus Productions was a British film production company, based at Shepperton Studios, England.[1] It was founded by American producer and screenwriter Milton Subotsky and Max Rosenberg.[2]

Subotsky was born in New York City, to a family of Jewish immigrants. During World War II, he served in the Signal Corps, in which he wrote and edited technical training films.

In 1960, Subotsky moved to England;

Subotsky died of heart disease in 1991, at the age of 69.[14] His widow, Dr Fiona Subotsky, is a prominent London psychiatrist, and an historian of psychiatry.

shot in 1967 - The first scenes to be filmed, though, the visit of Dr Heywood Floyd (William Sylvester) to the mysterious monolith on the moon, had to be shot at Shepperton Studios, southwest of London, where there was a soundstage large enough to accommodate the vast set.