Happy filter to you
You belong in a zoo
You smell like obuama
And you shill like one too
Happy filter to you
You belong in a zoo
You smell like obuama
And you shill like one too
Q alert pulls them in from interwebs
H as in Hussein
And therefore in control of the national guard
Which is deployed to protect election day.
Just like the last Qposts forced the left to settled down on any possible FFs regarding Roe v Wade fall.
Amateur low grade shilling
So sad
Threat again jim reported
Predict Trump will say tools tonight
Give it a rest hillary
And a credit card number
He should announce in a Q post
Flying Q bread on a Sunday afternoon
And yet shill you are
Brazil took the brunt this week
That next week may be easily exposed.
Q post cripples their bravado.
BTW where's Nanshee ?