"Cleopatra55" on MAGAHub has
delivered these words from Scott Brunswick.
So, in this case, you'll probably just want
to consider the source and ignore it . . .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Scott Brunswick:
M@ss Arr€sts across the countr¥ happened during a 36 h0ur period that ended at 4pm toda¥ Tues. 1 N0v. Yesterda¥ Mon. 31 Oct. at 4 am the fin@! cle@nup effort heavi!¥ targ€ted in the DC area, was compl€ted. Wed. 2 N0v. Res€rve Tr00ps were being ca!!ed up nationwid€ to be availab!€ in 70 citi€s for the possibilit¥ of implementati0n of Marti@! L@w later in the w€€k (Fri-Sat). That Marti@! L@w would be the cov€r for us to go in and exch@nge.
There were 7,000 peop!€ involved in arr€sts.
We confirm 60 or more countri€s were alre@d¥ go!d backed.
In Brazi! they were doing a for€nsic audit on their Electi0n resu!ts and will arr€st those who sto!€ the Electi0n.
On Tues. 1 Nov. all tr@ding ha!ted on the Canadi@n St0ck Exch@nge (claimed due to technic@! err0rs).
Pow€!!: “The Mark€t is showing a B0nd Market inversi0n which will certainly le@d to a Recessi0n.”
The F€s to announc€ another inter€st rat€ hike on Wed. 2 N0v.
St0ck Mark€t invest0r s have been advis€d to “ho!d your nos€ and s€ll.”
This is the Apoca!pyse.
We Are in the L@st Batt!€.
We Are Fighting for the Salvati0n of Humanit¥.
We All Kn€w This Was Coming.
Let’s D0 This Togeth€r.
During this time and bef0re next Tues. 8 N0v. (US Midt€rm Electi0n Day) major worldwide Events including the arr€st of Tru^mp were likely to occ^ur. Such could neg@te the Midt€rm Electi0n and instig@te D€€p Stat€ planned ri0ts in maj0r cities in the US and acr0ss the Glob€.
Tru^mp to be arrest€d. The G0P was bracing for a Tru*mp indictm€nt soon after Electi0n Day: All the paperw0rk has been done and the D0J, FB Eye and DN See have active!¥ been working on it for some time, with le@ks hitting the Repub^lic circles.
It is my opini0n that such plann€d cha0s, along with the ongoing M@ss Arr€sts of D€€p Stat€ Play€rs and Tru*mp arr€st (likely a Fa!se Fl@g) would require a Militar¥ takeov€r of the US and other nati0ns until pe@ce could be assured.
Ri0ts and Demonstr@tions:
Brazi! is going 0ff - Truck€rs and farm€rs bl0ck ro@ds in many cities to cont€st the Electi0n results. A massiv€ ra!!¥ is expected outside the barr@cks of the Brazili@n arm¥ on Tuesday