All the answers to the NEW Q post in here.
All the answers to the NEW Q post in here.
Maybe there will be some action on the Senate report ?
All the Q answers for the newest post are in there :
Thanks, just a note that is currently down, 'coming soon' .
Not so fast - it's her private security detail.
You only have to check the previous days and you'll see the same security. She's very scared.
I just want a clock, without the posts and pics plastered all over it. :(
Money laundering at it's finest.
Like, a poor mans bread cake. for fasting without dairy products, until they got the popes' permission. Tossers.
These are trickles of info before the flood
Shifts like the loss/removal of sums like that will blow terminal holes in the markets.
Obama's snake ring. From his college days too.
…Does Barack Obama’s ring carry a sinister message? The idea that his ring carried an Islamic message was debunked when a photo revealed that was not the message on the ring. What that photo revealed was even more sinister than an Islamic message. It revealed a Satanic association of Biblical importance. Displayed on Obama’s ring are two coiled serpents. Many verses in the Bible refer to Satan as a serpent; starting in the Garden of Eden in Genesis, and moving to the church at Pergamos, in Revelation. According to Apostle John, writing from Patmos to the seven churches of Asia Minor, Satan’s seat was at the church of Pergamos. John’s reference was to the icon for the great medical center there which was represented by serpents. Using that reference from Apostle John’s letter to Pergamos, there are many other clues in the Bible, and from current events, that suggest Barack Obama might be the one described in the Book of Revelation as the deceiver, that great threat to Israel and Christians. The author reveals many connections to suggest that possibility. The author describes the major event that will allow the rise of the Antichrist, how the Antichrist will get his great power, how the second beast will support the first beast, and why and how those Biblical writings are tied directly to current events. According to the author: Agenda 21, the Muslim Brotherhood, the One World Order, Wahabbism, and the actions by Barack Obama reveal signs of the ‘End Times.’ This book ties all these things together to show a clear and revealing picture of that Biblical prophecy….
Obama's Ring: The Seat of Satan Paperback – March 27, 2013
I hate crashes, unless it's me on the sofa
Thank you, I do.
Probably more close to the mark if one said Q was AI. Not a physical person.
But a conglomerate of all that info in all those databases (Tel Aviv maybe?) powered by CERN maybe?
I'm pulling your leg, aren't I?
There is a fine line, between winning and losing this 'game'.
Intent matters.
The more of 'the best of humanity' we can show AI, the better the result, for humanity.
Why do you think that so much hate and evil is being peddled our way…
We need to counter that, to balance.