Welcome back sir!
>Why do some elections take more than a day to count?
the mail in ballots and early votes being more accepted, which are dumb.
>Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?
hell yes we all know this. no one will be able to watch them.
>Who controls the pollbooks?
State legislatures right? not the dumb courts like it is now
>Who controls the databases?
the state legislatures again right?
>Who controls the elections?
the federal government, but the states make and govern their elections, aka rules, procedures etc.
>Why are extra ballots printed?
to cheat or for "mail in's"
>If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?
hell yes, very easy to, remember Wisconsin in 2020? dead people were voting lol
mail in ballots probably.
>Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams?
to protect the elections in those 14 states, but idk the underlying REAL reason.
>Who gave the order to 'activate' the cybersecurity teams?
the Deep state cabal? because the way you talk about "claiming they are safe" makes me think that lol. or its an excuse for them to cheat and say "hey guys look we had NG and they said nothing strange happened!"
what i said above maybe.
>To protect the elections?
maybe or to "show trial" that they are safe.
>To claim the midterms are 'safe'?
>Safe from what?
election fraud and irregularities.
>Setting the stage?
setting the stage to catch them in a lie, cheating this election or to initiate DECLAS
>Watch carefully.
oh i will be Q, voting in person tmr too.
>White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
im trusting you guys, i want my vote to matter and not get tossed out. the thought of that makes me so mad.
>You have all the tools you need.
This is my ballot. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My ballot is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My ballot, without me, is useless. Without my ballot, I am useless. I must vote my ballot true. I must vote redder than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must vote him before he shoots me.