i believe trump gave the deep state an ultimatum / an out …. he won't run IF all those people he mentioned when reading off the names at the end are 'allowed' to Win tomorrow
no predictions for tomorrow?
i have:
-Senate going from 50-50 to 55-45 R (GA seat may go to run off & decided in January)
-House going from +5ish D to +45ish R
-Governorships going from 28-22 R to 36 or 37 R (to 13 or 14 D)
Q - was tht an ultimatum trump gave the deep state swamp tonight? elect everyone he mentions and he won't run, otherwise he will run… ?
but maybe his job was to get a team of allies to get his agenda through the next guy (DeSantis). i'm speculating but I could see him passing the buck if the swamp allows 'his people' in everywhere reasonable
maybe nov 15th he announces he isn't running (and could endorse desantis)… put a date on the calendar to give deep state deadline