That is ashamed. I knew him and his brothers personally. Kate was a Ho. Paul is mega rich. They already destroyed his brother, George. You couldn't meet nicer guys. I don't buy this BS.
I knew them when they owned MGA. I was with George when he showed me his new line in his warehouse, GUESS. I laughed and said it was a stupid name. (Good thing he didn't listen to me). The idea was every designer had unique designs on their jeans.. Everyone was paying attention to whether you wore Sasson, Jordach patches on you ass, … He said he and his brothers decided to make people GUESS. What a hit.
These guys worked hard and were always targeted. This is sad when a known Ho can do this to someone who has built a dynasty. I would testify in a second to their personalities back then.
They were Moroccan and raised in France. Flirty, absolutely. Molesters… NO. Not without permission and Kate… typical model wanting notoriety. If you became a Guess Model, you had it made. I think this MeToo movement is really to destroy good people. Not all is true. I am female, was in my early 20's when I knew them. Was in their presence and understood their rhetoric, like every other Moroccan or Frenchman I have ever met. Disappointed.
Ok… back to Q research.
What the hell is up with all the PORNO!!!!!