this is where new fag me comes in and says
"hey guise the catalogs broken, how will new fake Q find us?"
this is where new fag me comes in and says
"hey guise the catalogs broken, how will new fake Q find us?"
is that a hurricane in your ocean or are you just happy to see me?
Florida tells DOJ election riggers to go fuck themselves
Florida Man tells DHS ahas to go fuck themselves
so organic
i dunno about you
but i feel better
the point is
you may not defeat the giants,
but you have to take a stand against them and not be moved
if you cant win the here & now,
play the long game
i didnt say Q was fake
i said new Q was fake
if you had been here for real Q you would know that
this one is a caricature
and i post here because i want newfags like you to lern to discern.
how are you ever gonna be able to tell fake news from real news or truth from lies if you cant even tell q real Q post from a fake Q post?
Define 'Plant'.
How do you insert a plant?
Can emotions be used to insert a plant?
Who controls the pollbooks?
Who controls the databases?
Who controls the elections?
asking meaningless questions is not Q
but larpers who try to imitate what they think Q was about yet no new info, just babble.
they even end each post with an old Q phrase
You have all the tools you need.
Trust the plan.
Remember your oath.
It had to be done this way.
Shall we play a game once more?
nothing new
but you do you because i know the crew of 50 we had here 4 years ago knows the difference
we even knew there were at least 3 different people posting as Q
it makes no difference what I believe or you believe, but facts are facts & opinions based on emotions are shit
Q taught us that
i didnt say anything about tripcodes
i'm not trying to argue anything
i dont care what you believe
i dont think you should care what i believe
if you dont know that animefag was ron and gets are stolen by admins we are not the same
new Q posts made at end of bread with no trip
this was new (then) Q's first post
he had to go to top of next bread and repost correctly
maybe kids need a hero to believe in so fake Q is a rah rah point to reel them in
but it would still be based on a lie
real Q was providing inside info
it was about the substance, not the character
reddit & voat kids did that idolizing when they got onboard
>Whether it's Q or not.
like when BVs steal a get to post "God Wins"
nothing like lying & cheating to prove you are righteous
i'm outta here
i dont usually play for a crowd this small