Anon watching this, retard ahead in PA, so many close races, even with cheating there should be big blowouts nationwide?? so anon wonders if really the sheep are still mostly asleep, sports, tv, SM, stupid shit… so guise maybe right now the pain is only at 5 or 10% and it's got to get a hellova lot worse in the next 2 years, utter collapse, not just calling food up 40% "the end of the world" pretend shit, but really its got to LITERALLY get fucking survival type bad? Too much meat on the bone yet, Like when the heroin addict grandchildren inherit and take over the mansion, everything seems fine for the
neighbors for months until the accounts are all drained and the antiques are pawned and the fixtures are sold , taxed go unpaid….. then the bottom falls out…. bad as it is, its too good for most, yet…