Anonymous ID: f848f6 Nov. 9, 2022, 9:38 p.m. No.17740421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0435


The controlled opposition would seem to be getting out of control.

What many are missing at the moment is the fundamental shift in the paradigm of the Republican party and why that is so threatening to the thing pretending to be our constitutional government.


Kemp and DeSantis show that the Republicans have known how to win and have simply not exercised the means to do so. Florida's polls came in fast and scared the bejeesus out of commentators who were not yet primed on the narrative that DeSantis is the future.

As an aside, I will warn that this is a fracture play. They want the republican party to fight and argue over its future and to have nasty infighting between candidates. Which, to some extent, the nature of the republican party as having diverse priorities of values makes them weak to this in the first place. The left unifies around the destruction of material reality while the right actually has principled views on policy.


To this end, take with a grain of salt the coming conflict in the media between Truml and DeSantis. They want to create the idea that DeSantis is a plant against maga while Trump is the sore loser and have the two sides being unable to trust each other enough to make a political power block.


Republicans have significant influence over state affairs and must begin using it. Ohio and Florida were swing states while I was growing up. Do not fall for the "demographics is destiny" line, either. Again, Florida and Ohio prove that. While some populations are certainly skewed, the … "force multipliers" deployed to fortify elections are the far more significant factor in voting outcomes.


That, and a principled republican is greatly appreciated in the polls.