You're right anon. The longer this goes the more brazen these communit fucks get. Look, I get the "bring the normie along" tactic but at some point, these people have to be stopped and I mean stopped HARD. I'm sorry if some soy boi faggot cries and post his mental breakdown on the Tik Tok shit but we know that some of these leftist motherfuckers are going to destroy whatever it is around them, people, businesses, property. Regardless of timeframe that scenario is going to happen. Won't happen in red areas as that would be suicidal. They know that well. But the longer this goes on the deeper the hole is this country has to climb out of.
If you go to war, then the only plan should be to go in, stomp fucking ass, decimate the enemy and get out. And I mean decimate the enemy because if you don't, you'll be dealing with the same generational subversives again. They need to learn that if you fuck around, you are going to find out and that needs to be done in a way that in the future, people like this will think twice before acting on their compulsions.
Shut it down Q. Time to bring the P-A-I-N.