Brandon Straka forced under under duress by FBI to sign confession.
He was attacked "to make an example" - the FBI was open with him about that fascet of their behavior
Straka was a threat since he got Dems out of the Dem party
twisted his words as they do with Trump
Not the first time FBI has done this, intimidation, gag order.
He finally got twitter and FaceBook accounts back
Signed a false confession, under duress.
Regrets supporting Trump
The Rhinos are set to use this issue to promote DeSantis instead of Trump in '24.
The news media is so shut down many people don't even what's really going on or what POTUS DJT is saying or said.
Or even how big the rallys are.
Rhinos get pissed off if you tell them the election theft is being uncovered and/or Trump has enormous support
They honestly believe Trump is over, and have no idea his picks in the races around the Country are all winning
Twilight Zone
They will use this Treatment of Trump supporters by FBI to splinter the Republican Party, claiming he didn't /doesn't back them enough.