DO IT - IT's FREE SPEECH after all.
I'll put him on an autodialer from hell
Damn right - keep it civil and on qresearch.
I love looking at the anger on his face.
Can't wait to see him cry like a bitch at the trial / tribunal.
In the bible, Christ told a woman to go and collect jars.
For those of us 'addicted to the tears of our enemies', I think we should listen and start collecting jars. The tears are going to flow.
Is that the flood Q mentioned? I hope so.
I need to start getting video software - got to be ready to capture the tears for ME.
I don't see rejected, I see some miss guided thoughts that ANY thought can be expressed w/o consequence.
Express the right for someone to post ignorant shit and you can expect to be blasted right back - and no mommy is not here to protect youi either.
Can you point us to a name or something?
I thought about the JA angle as well.
I haven't seen anything that shows a definite reason for the pic. We'll see, just have to wait for the reveal.