>>1774492 BULLSHIT!!! Porn in NO WAY helps the mission or this board! Porn DOES however distract and degrade! With freedom comes RESPONSIBILITY! Get the porn the hell out of here!
>>1774825 Drain the cess pool in your mind!
>>1774830 I did choose to hide the images, but its a hassle, going back and forth unhiding to check and see a MISSION RELEVANT post!
You moral degenerates are hurtinging the mission!
>>1774871 Peace and blessings to Israel!!!
>>1774927 You're wrong!
“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” Alexis de Tocqueville
>>1775008 PERFECT example of calling good "evil" and evil "good"! Your are calling one that strives for decency…a pervert! Child rapists think along the same lines!
>>1775044 The end doesn't justify the means here! You are wrong!