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A single, trusted source of shared investment data, enterprise-wide. Improve your decision making with Eagle’s IBOR solution. Eagle’s data-centric approach to IBOR means all of your investment data is centralized providing you with a single source of financial truth to support a consolidated, real-time investment view of assets, exposures and risks across the enterprise, including:
Current Investment Activity
Cash Balances
Cash and Stock Forecasting
Complex Multi-Asset Portfolios
Timely & accurate. Eagle’s IBOR solution gives you a real-time view of all your investment activity and positions across every asset class, which is available anytime and from anywhere around the globe. Because new data isn’t being created or reprocessed, data can be available quickly and accurately. You can also start trading each day with the confidence of knowing you have created an accurate start-of-day position.
AT&T urges Congress to pass 'internet bill of rights'