deFed the fed?
good morning on this day of remembrance
the 'monetization of assets' is a key part of what is done at the very-well-phedd.
but what are 'assets'?
a 'debt' is an asset.
so they 'buy' the asset by 'issuing' new 'money'
and then do a quick bump up in the 'money supply'
so even bad debt is considered an asset.
or bonds from municipalities cuckled into citizen slavery by the governator-class(less) bad-buerocrats who pilfer a larger part.
but what about all the jobs created?
they get a cut of all that, too.
if you want to contract expect 20% to go to your 'head hunter' , most likely a kid whose part of it by birth.
so what else, how else?
sometimes the idea of monetization is a good idea. however the real truth is that those who know how can make an IPO factory and lather-rinse-repeat crappy companies that will quickly become nothing, taking the lions share of all of it up front.
or if a company has a revenue stream they swoop in and then they take out dept that basically launders any future profits over to their friends as tome other financial entity, then they wil have 'brought it private' but after they loot it with dept that is too hard to repay they 'take it private' again, and sell it to hedge funds who pawn it off to pensioneers who don't even know that they own a garbage investment whose income is already allocated for other people for a long period of years.
there are other ways.
the frame work of how it was sold to work to those who would understand could have resulted in an honest system however . . . human nature supercedes and the world is greedy, but espcailly those born into privledge who don't get that their whole society is parasitic . . .
but we must still love and pray for them.
sometimes they are able to do great things.
the framework of finance is solid when the rules are applied fairly and equitibley and people want to share, and recognize the greed-headedness of the young who are born in it.
there is a big part, too, about pension funds and how those are directed to be just for some small group. that's another pot of money that can be looted if the employees never 'vete' and don't have enough time in the company then the money that would have been matched to them can go into the pool of money for other people. that pretty much meant that a two year 'we need to lay them all off now, if we want that money for ourselves' date happens with people who are then let go before they could ever vest . . (have a long enough time there to get their piece). the critical part is that the CEO s and principals of the company can not invest unless their hirelings also do. So a hireling has a 'sellby' (fire-by) date tattooed into their records.
anyone who knows these things is suspect and probably off the list of being hired if they know that you know.
"they know that we know they know we know"