>>17755300 lb
Agree anon. They've normalized this now and while some GAF, many, many others don't. Couple this with the fact that no one in a position to do anything about it, will. Straight downhill from here.
>>17755300 lb
Agree anon. They've normalized this now and while some GAF, many, many others don't. Couple this with the fact that no one in a position to do anything about it, will. Straight downhill from here.
Harmeet Dillan is doing some Heavy Lifting in several different arenas. This lady is a true Patriot.
I would if I could anon. I am but one man.
I don't drink.
I do.
Lincoln suspended the Constitution, an authority he did not have, declared Martial Law, implemented the "Leiber Code" and the Military has been in power ever since. Lincoln was the President of a Foreign corporation, not the united States of America. "Honest Abe" wasn't so honest and every President since, has gone along with all of this.
Has always been this way. Nothing has changed.
Uh, no. RJG is a fraud.
So, Mark Kelly has won the senate race against Blake Masters. Surprised? I'm not.
I know. But we all know why the tabulating of votes in Maricopa County is as fucked up as it is. They are winging it at this point. Searching high and low for some way to overcome the R numbers. There was a red wave. [They] dealt with it, successfully it apears.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke
Good night anons.
God help US.