>>1775892 (lb, boerner's fb is wide open)
so is his linkedin.
>>1775892 (lb, boerner's fb is wide open)
so is his linkedin.
yeah. i just now (because of your morse chart) realized the way
could be broken down.
— — — - 23 (O-23)
— — — — 23 (thinking hangman, ha)
or TTTT23, or TTT-23, or OT23, or TO23, or, or, or.
but now i'm more in the O-23 camp. O-Y? lol.
i wished for a wishing well and fell in a recursive loop.
duh. 23 not 25. clearly i need more coffee.
that makes perfect sense. now comes the pain OW.
hope none of her houses have doorknobs.
do we have a running list of "candidates" with definitive no / maybe decisions and why?
might be helpful.