Still running around trying to capture an undomesticated water fowl of paki persuasion I see….
I'm tired of it personally.
Tired of seeing what i can't have.
Works along side the reason I don't test drive new cars…
You guys have fun with it. I'll deal.
Just sayin.
Like that eh
Ty anon and yw!
Can we get on with the fixing?
Too old for love
Almost too old for war.
Lets get to the war part before it's too late.
I'd like to accomplish something meaningful before the bucket gets kicked.
that lesson was instilled in my at a young age. took so long to get it out of my head (the can't ever have what i want, so never try thing), when I did finally see the light…. it was wayyy too late. I did get to see the lights of that ship disappear over the horizon, so i know it was there at one time. That only makes it worse.
So lets get on with something I can still do.
Fixing this damn place!
I think….
what the OP is trying to say here is
We should be the light and change we want to see in our nation.
we should set the example, lead from the front. others will catch on and follow.
How do we fix what is broken if we continue the broken ways ourselves?
I would have rather looked upon 1 naked hot woman with pouty lips and hard nipples, in my house, on my arm, and as the mother of my family for enough time for her to put me in my grave, than all the porn bitches in the world on a computer screen or a magazine by myself.
There lies the rub doesn't it.
Normally you don't miss what you don't know.
Treat her well anon.
Anons, at the end of the day, from one who does not HAVE a family, but knows with every fiber of being…. family is the core, dead center core of a prosperous nation.
No family. No nation. It is that simple.
I was created by 2.
When they and i die, there will be 3 gone from this world. I created 0.
This is how a nation dies.
failing to stop this renders Q and this mission we are on right here useless.
I realize that I am but only one anon, however our national birth rate is not above the replacement rate. Our nation is dying, my number is simply on the bad side of the equation also.
Stop doing that which destroys the family would be all I would suggest.
Ty anon.
for verily I say unto you not all who say Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of Heaven.
But Lord, dideth we not cast out demons in your name?
Get thee away from me thou doers of inequity, for I never knew thee.