Whatever Gen "deep state" Hayden. Your masters at the DNC created this mess with the current laws.
Anons are strong, we are many and we will not be silenced.
We are not going away and will not keep quiet any more.
John "commie" Brennan gets under my skin every time i read one of his wordy pretend intellectual diatribes. People who swore an oath to protect the constitution and then actively participated in an attempted coup should be in prison.
"Alinsky confessed he learned his political tactics from the Mafia. Thus the gangsterization of his students Obama & Hillary is no surprise"
This explain a lot about Hussein and the Clinton crime family.
Does anyone know if it is true that PS threw a party for the FISA judge and that there were exotic dancers at the party? I am not fan of PS, but even for him this would be extremely careless.