>>1775975 (lb)
NOTABLE^^^^^^ EMAILS HRC to Richard Verma
>>1775975 (lb)
NOTABLE^^^^^^ EMAILS HRC to Richard Verma
fags here shitting up board so notables are missed
FUCK! Was looking for Richard crumbs but landed here after seeing him in India doing a speech on The Future is Now.
Look at this speech admitting how they just move around their "top" people to top posts.
Speech by SEC Staff:
The Future is Now
Keynote Address by Lynn E. Turner
Chief Accountant
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
Accounting Hall of Fame-Association of Accounting Historians
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
November 10, 2000
The Securities and Exchange Commission, as a matter of policy, disclaims responsibility for any private publication or statement by any of its employees. The views expressed herein are those of Mr. Turner and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission, the Commissioners, or other members of the Commission's staff.
Thank you very much for that glowing introduction, Professor Dietrich. It seems like just yesterday that you were our Academic Fellow at the SEC, and now I am proud to see you here on your new home turf, where Ohio State is once again hosting the Accounting Hall of Fame and Association of Accounting Historians.
It is just this kind of rotation, or evolution if you will, of our best and brightest from the Halls of Academia, to the Halls of 450 Fifth Street (that’s the SEC Headquarters, for the uninitiated), to the Hall of Fame and its many practitioners who have been so honored, that makes our system of accounting the greatest in the world. It is this partnership that has worked so well in serving our shared mission of setting and putting into practice accounting and auditing standards. And it is with a shared vision that we must move forward, on to even more meaningful reporting for the 80 million investors in our nation’s securities market.
https:// www.sec.gov/news/speech/spch428.htm
concernedfag I am