To continue about the people of color thing being an attorneys' inside joke, the other part of the joke is that being under "color of law" is not the same as being "under law". Another one of those sociopathic tells where they reveal that they know what they are doing is wrong, but if you don't object, it's your problem, cuz they told you what they were gonna do in a cryptic way.
the bankruptcy of the USA corp in 1933 is the 2nd layer of lies. the USA corp was formed in 1871 after the civil war because the southern states were occupied territories, and there was no way to restore the Republic under duress. So a corporation was formed to do business on behalf of the Republic until such time as the martial law could be ended and the legal questions resolved. The 14th Amendment gave a choice, an "election"l, not the usual sense, rather the use of the word "election" as in follwing the "will of the people", wherein the "will" has also the meaning of "last will and testament" – do you elect to receive the benefits of the will of the people (Republic) or the benefits of 14th amendment citizenship? One could elect (choose) to have either kind until 1933, when the bankruptcy of the USA corp. put everyone under maritime law (lex mercatoria). Since then, everyone is presumed to be a 14th Amendment citizen, which is to say a voluntary servant of the state, and all one's property is held in trust for said incompetents. But it's all "color of law" two layers deep. The sociopaths know it's wrong, but they don't want you to find out. Everyone is presumed to be a person of color since 1933. Under color of law. Not even true law. The "stop corporate personhood" is another great attorney's inside joke: what we need to stop is the behind the scenes creation of a corporate straw man for every living man. Human = hue-man. Person of color again.
Could be, originally, depends on scope of terms in the jurisdiction one finds oneself in. Define yourself or be defined. "I am not lost, abandoned, minor, incompetent, or dead" is a good start.
Check Black's Law Dictionary. "Human" = "monster". There's a while slide about "natural person" too. Still a person, and "person" equals "corporation."
Once the initial fireworks are over, there will be a huge demand for new Lawyers (NOT ATTORNEYS), to help restore The People's rights and to continue to prosecute the guilty.
I'm pretty sure the Generals know what it's going to take to restore the Republic. Mattis just got that honorary Doctor of Law, I would bet he knows.
It's an inspiring time. A guy could go to law school now and a few years from now take up the slack that will be left when the Bar Association monopoly is broken.
The white hat investigators and prosecutors who are Doing It right now are gonna need a break, there will be ongoing investigations and prosecutions for years to come. If you are interested in this stuff, get ready to step up.
Think about all those judges who will have to recuse or resign because they made bank on the FANG IPOs. Coming soon. Soon.
hypothecated chattel = human resources
I've always thought the IRS and 17th amendment are a distraction from the underlying issues of law.
The key digs for 1933 and the Bankruptcy are Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins and HJR-192.
The "A Republic, if you can keep it" issues go back to 1871 and even before.
"Who owns you?" goes back to 1215 and the Magna Carta. King John had already quit-claimed everything to the Pope (and his successors, in perpetuity) when he signed the MC. Pope (at the time) said MC has no weight. Who is right? Was it fraud for the Pope to convince King John that he was eternally damned for being excommunicated? Did King John quit-claim it all because he was under duress? If you believe in Hell, being told you're gonna go there could be pretty traumatic.
It all comes down to mind control.