he Biden administration just canceled $5.8 billion in student loans—and more borrowers could see relief soon https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/02/biden-administration-cancels-5point8-billion-in-student-loans-more-borrowers-could-see-relief-soon.html
How much for the people who were suckered by Corinthian, Pheonix, Full Sail?
Romney and Rubio Attack Trump University, But Both Are Tied to Predatory CollegesMar 3, 2016 Both Romney and Rubio are tied to for-profit colleges that fleeced not just many U.S. students, leaving them with substandard educations and overwhelming debt, but also ripped off U.S. taxpayers, who foot the bill for student Pell grants and defaulted student loans. …However, Rubio's paid friendship with for-profit colleges doesn't come close to that of today's Trump University critic, Mitt Romney.
As the 2012 GOP nomination contest neared the critical Iowa caucuses, Romney was asked…what he planned to do about higher education. Romney's response was crystal-clear: He liked for-profit colleges, including the University of Phoenix, and especially a Florida school called Full Sail University, which, he said, knew how to "hold down the cost of their education."
In praising Full Sail, Romney never mentioned that TA executives had contributed heavily to his campaign effort. Nor did he disclose that he was actually in business with them. The facts are these: Mitt Romney's son Tagg and 2012 campaign finance director Spencer Zwick had launched the private equity fund Solamere Capital in 2008 with a $10 million investment from Mitt Romney. In June 2012, the Romney campaign held a retreat in Park City, Utah, for about 200 wealthy donors. Remarkably, right outside the retreat, Solamere Capital held its own investor lunch meeting.
In March 2013, following his defeat in the presidential election, Romney took on a more formal role at Solamere, becoming chairman of the executive committee. https://archive.ph/XB7H5 https://archive.ph/XB7H5
Marco Rubio’s Close Relationship With For-Profit Corinthian CollegesJUL 20, 2015 https://archive.ph/wip/0nsxH Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who is running for president in 2016, has a strong record of supporting for-profit colleges, namely Corinthian Colleges, which shut down all of its remaining campuses in April. Rubio has accepted contributions to the tune of $27,600 throughout the past five years. The last donation filed with the Federal Election Commission was for $2,700 on April 30, Bloomberg reported.
Last year, Rubio also sent a letter requesting that the U.S. Department of Education would exercise “leniency” on Corinthian Colleges by not halting federal aid while it was being investigated. The letter was obtained by Bloomberg Politics https://archive.ph/wip/0nsxH
Rubio Sought Leniency for CorinthianApril 30, 2015 (Even wrote a letter.)
https://archive.ph/wip/IJadl * https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2015/04/30/rubio-sought-leniency-corinthian
Romney Offers Praise for a Donor’s Businesshttps://archive.ph/aeW2l Published: January 14, 2012 WASHINGTON — At a town-hall-style meeting in New Hampshire last month, listeners pressed Mitt Romney on the soaring cost of higher education. His solution: students should consider for-profit colleges like the little-known Full Sail University in Florida. Mr. Romney did not mention the cost of tuition at Full Sail, which runs more than $80,000, for example, for a 21-month program in “video game art.”
Nor did he mention its spotty graduation rate. Or, for that matter, that its chief executive, Bill Heavener, is a major campaign donor and a co-chairman of his state fund-raising team in Florida.
Mr. Romney has received financial support from other segments of the for-profit college industry as well, and he was quick to praise the industry as an affordable alternative to traditional colleges…. He said schools like Full Sail and the University of Phoenix, a much larger and better-known nationwide system, offer students an alternative. Mr. Romney also just brought on Charlie Black, a prominent Washington lobbyist who has worked for for-profit colleges, as an informal campaign adviser. Page 1: https://archive.ph/aeW2l Page 2: https://archive.ph/wip/cqqkW