=This Cassidy Hutchinson thing sounds or feels like a set up or plantto expose the J6 committee. Was she told to say the most outrageous lies, not to hurt Trump but to show how the J6 committee is out of their minds; and breaking every single law when it comes to legal proceedings. ==
Exposing this as a true dog and pony show may be the goal. She basically lied about everything. Jody Hunt being her attorney gives me more suspicious that this is not only a joke but an experienced lawyer would know how to reveal the lunacy of this commision.
Its justtoo strange to have major false claims she made debunked within an hourafter she made them. Her attorney would have advised her not to lie, but they gamed out that Cheney et al would go along and reinforce the lies (which they did), abd they would exposed for the frauds they are for reinforcing her lies.
Meanwhile Trump hating journalists and attorneys are tweeting and publishing Trump’s judgement day is here (again…kek)!