Stephen Laycock:
Jacob Lew:
Loretta Lynch:
Andrew McCabe:
They were egged on, like gullible dupes, by a politically motivated CIA director and director of National
Intelligence. Former FBI director James Corney and deputy director Andrew McCabe and the team they
assembled on the seventh floor of FBI headquarters started an investigation based on insufficient cause and the
obvious Russian active-measures operation
Mary McCord:
Denis McDonough:
Arthur McGlynn:
Obama White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough
Vice President Joe Biden
The Rest
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samatha Power
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
Deputy Chief of Mission to Italy and Republic of San Marino Kelly Degnan (now Ambassador to Georgia)
U.S. Ambassador to Italy and the Republic of San Marino, John R. Phillips
CIA director John Brennan
U.S. Treasury Office of Intelligence and Analysis Patrick Conlon
Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew
Acting Assistant Treasury Secretary Arthur “Danny” McGlynn
Acting Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mike Neufeld
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Sarah Raskin
Under Secretary Treasury Nathan Sheets
Acting Under Secretary Treasury Adam Szubin
U.S. NATO Advisor Robert Bell
U.S. Representative to the NATO Military Committee Vice Admiral John Christenson
FBI Director James Comey
U.S. NATO Office of the Defense Advisor Policy Advisor for Russia Lt. Col. Paul Geehreng
U.S. NATO Defense Advisor James Hursh
U.S. Deptuy Chief of Mission to NATO Lee Litzenberger (now Ambassador to Azerbaijan)
U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO Ambassador Douglas Lute
U.S. NATO Political Office Scott Parrish
Deputy Secretary of Energy Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
U.S. NATO Political Advisor Tamir Waser
U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft
U.S. Ambassador to Turkey John Bass
Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Intelligence Integration Michael Dempsey
Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Stephanie O’Sullivan