333 kilograms equals 333,000 grams
333,000 grams of cocaine can be divided into 6.66 million "lines" of cocaine
P.S.: According to Wiki Answers, 333,000 grams of cocaine is worth roughly $16.7 million on the street (at $50 a gram).
It strains the limits of believability to think that 333,000 grams of cocaine are being used for "medical purposes" in America.
How and where are 333,000 grams of cocaine being used for "medical purposes?" I mean, have you ever gone to your doctor and watched him write a prescription for cocaine? Nope.
This seemingly leaves only three possibilities for where all this cocaine is going:
Possibility #1) The Mallinckrodt company might be stockpiling massive amounts of cocaine each year, perhaps dwarfing Disneyland's "Space Mountain" ride.
Possibility #2) The Mallinckrodt company might be somehow destroying massive amounts of cocaine each year. (But human greed probably prevents this from happening, given that this white power is so darned valuable…)
Possibility #3) The Mallinckrodt company might be "losing track" of massive amounts of cocaine each year (i.e. it 'disappears' out the back door and into the hands of DEA agents and politicians who keep the whole operation "legal"). This is one case where brown-nosing the DEA leaves a thin layer of white dust on your nose, too.
Or hey, maybe all this cocaine is being quietly distributed to all the doctors and pharmacists who are chronically addicted to drugs themselves - it's a huge percentage of the medical workforce because they have access to drugs on a day-to-day basis and they think they need a pharmaceutical kick to survive their long work hours.
6.66 million lines of cocaine is enough to keep a few thousand pharmacists churning away, filling high-profit prescriptions for painkillers and psychiatric drugs that turn everybody else into addicts, too.