The best thing Trump has ever said. FIX the ELECTIONS.
>>17777337 Not dead quite yet friendo.
Solid Truth.
All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.
We will use the system afforded to us; we are not criminals.
The wheel eventually turnsโฆโฆ
God always chooses the flawed to confound the 'wise'.
There is ALWAYS a way.
A winning strategy in my book. (Not the bug part though)
The Victory has already been won.
He did not say that. He said finances from Bill Gates would be directed instead to the Kingdom of God.
You focus on "Kings", God orchestrates this in every social sector.
Will it happen when the weather cools?
Who do you say he is, given the current state of things?
The church has highlighted the intellect of man over the WORD of God. Apologetics serve a purpose to a point; but when man starts telling you "what he/she 'believes' God "meant" instead of what Go actually SAID; that's evidence of being conformed to the World and not to God.
Keep it coming ALL free advertising $
Noice, moar pls.
The more they say "TRUMP"; the moar powerful TRUMP becomesโฆgot that KIDDIES?
These words will put a believer's footsteps on solid rock.
Believing these words will put your feet on solid rock.