The modern Nero
Here's my thought, even if Trump might be the anti-Christ (today is 666 days since his last day in office), as long as he destroy's God's enemies, I'll vote for him.
DeSanctimonious for example too
I call NASA, Blue (Ball) Origin, Virgin Galactic, and SpaceX, the sky fuckers.
If you haven't been paying attention, I can't fix stupid.
The Blood Moon rose on Election Day over the United States, it will be last Total lunar eclipse the earth will see until 2025.
Donald Trump was born under a Blood moon in 1946.
11/8 = 88
Trump = 88 (Ordinal Gematria)
Here is why 88 is connected to the eclipse.
The Solar and Lunar Analemma.
8 = infinity = Oroboros = snake eating itself
Y is the sign of Lucifer
It's two arms up in a stick figure because that's how you invoke Lucifer and demons to possess you.
One should read more about Thelema and it's ties into JPL and NASA's origin as well as it's ties into Scientology and the Babylon Working ritual performed by these guys the same year Trump was born.
The Snake Poem: This popped up randomly on Google the other day…The way media tries to mock AZ elections…
Rattlesnake mocked for eating so much, it couldn’t fit into its den on Arizona ranch
One of Arizona’s plentiful rattlesnakes is being mocked on social media for eating so much it couldn’t squeeze back into its den. A photo of the embarrassing predicament was shared on Facebook by Rattlesnake Solutions, a snake catching service that was called to remove the snake. It shows the shameless snake resorted to leaving its swollen belly hanging out of the front door for all to see.
“I was laughing. It was too full to do anything. It barely moved,” snake catcher Marissa Maki told McClatchy News. “The snake didn’t even know what was going on. I think it was in a food coma.”
It happened at a horse ranch in Scottsdale, and video shared on YouTube shows the snake was limp when she picked it up with tongs. “Look at how fat he is,” Maki is heard saying. The snake was identified as a western diamondback and it was young and small. It was discovered when riders went to take a break in the shade, and saw the snake’s butt hanging out, so to speak. It’s suspected the venomous snake gorged itself on a chubby kangaroo rat or ground squirrel earlier in the day.
Hundreds of people have reacted to the photo, including many who saw it as symbolic of average Americans on Thanksgiving.“Looks like that one was temporarily rendered safe by its gluttony,” Constance Zec Bessada wrote.
“Can you imagine like if you were all stuffed full after Thanksgiving dinner, then in through a window comes a hook to drag you off to who knows where,” Kathy Kladar posted. “I can’t tell if he ate a kangaroo rat, or a kangaroo!” Danny Jamison said. The snake was released unharmed back into the wilderness area, “without losing its meal.”
Maki says the rattlesnake at the ranch was so young, it did not have the capacity to generate much of a rattling sound with its tail. The horses on the ranch didn’t seem to notice it was around. Bryan Hughes, owner of Phoenix-based Rattlesnake Solutions, says rattlesnakes will find their way to wherever there are tasty rodents and comfortable places to hide, which makes ranches a choice home. “In this instance, had the railroad ties not created underground hiding spaces, this snake would have slithered off elsewhere to digest its meal, albeit slowly,” he said.
Read more at:
That's not a Y. And you're trying to paint with a broad brush here. It's a CoS (Church of Satan) practice. If you want to learn more about the rituals and torture including sex rituals they utilize, you should read the David Hamblin victim statements.
This is just one of the PDF's out there with their statements:
Spa-Cex (sex), Virgin (makes you think of sex), Blue Origin, well if you have blue balls, you tend to try to reproduce. NASSA?
In the 1950s, German-turned-American scientist Wernher von Braun (yes, the Nazis' leading rocket man), wrote a science fiction novel called The Mars Project. It takes place in then-distant 1980 and features human colonists on Mars whose leader uses the title "Elon." As in, oh, we don't know … billionaire Tesla and SpaceX big shot, SNL host, and guy who wants us to get us to Mars?
Regarding dates between Trump's last day in office and today, I checked it myself…
Biff = Trump (Back to the Future)
88 - 9-11 - 442 (424)
America is not for sale
speech acknowledging Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel, have deep roots in Bible Codes and Biblical numerology which link both men to the coming of the Messiah.
President Trump is similar to Cyrus in a number of observable ways, rabbis and commentators have noted. Though separated by 2,500 years, both men rule the greatest nation of their respective eras. Cyrus, like Trump, was powerful and rich but not at all devout. And like Cyrus, Trump supports Jewish national aspirations. Now, a Messianic connection has come to light.
The mysterious ties between Trump, Cyrus, and the Messiah are revealed through two mystical methods of understanding the Torah. Hebrew numerology, known as Gematria, gives Hebrew letters and words numerical values which uncover hidden meanings, while Bible Codes search the Torah for secret patterns and connections.
Cyrus’s connection to the Messiah is found in the Book of Isaiah. The Persian king is the only non-Jewish leader to be referred to in the Bible as Moshiach, literally ‘His anointed one’. The word for ‘anointed one’ in Hebrew is ‘Moshiach’ (משיח), which means “Messiah”.
Thus said Hashem to Cyrus, His anointed one— Whose right hand He has grasped, treading down nations before him, ungirding the loins of kings, opening doors before him and letting no gate stay shut. Isaiah 45:1
Trump’s connection is found through Gematria. Using the method to break down the value of Hebrew letters, Donald Trump’s name in Hebrew (דונלד טראמפ) equals 424 – which is also the numerical equivalent of ‘Moshiach for the House of David’ (משיח בן דוד).
Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, a Bible codes expert, also discovered Trump ties to Cyrus and Messiah within the codes. One week after the 2016 elections, Rabbi Glazerson produced a video in which he described clues found in Leviticus.
September 11th is the birth of Jesus and the symbol of the Last Trump. Lots of symbology in Back to the Future.
X Marks the Spots
More symbology buried in Back to the Future
The False Awakening: Peace & Safety to Complete Destruction - Revelations 9:11
King James Bible
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Regardless, I will vote for him until it turns.
Feminine V (w/ Trees) in Trump tower
Arrows from Heaven Above or is it Fallen Angels?
Interesting connection between HRC and DJT
Tie's between CERN and the Bottomless Pit to Apollo / Appolyon
*Abaddon/Apollyon (lucifer & shiva the destroyer) CERN name comes from Cernunous which is Abaddon . Cern 666 logo.
*interesting that the chapter and verse WOE #1 numbered 911 CERN opening bottomless pit
*A large portion of CERN is located in St Genis Pouilly. In Roman times called Appolliacum. The town was dedicated to Apollyon-the destroyer (Shiva-horus)
CERN actually straddles the French-Swiss border and is partly situated in a little town in Switzerland called "Saint-Genus-Poilly" (sound familiar?), and is located where a temple called Apolliacum once stood, which was the temple of Apollo, and interestingly enough, was believed to be the entrance to Tartarus, otherwise known as the Bottomless Pit, or The Abyss.
Pretty interesting huh?
There are many who believe there is strong evidence for computers in the ancient world, and that the pyramids were originally giant power stations, all given to humans by the old gods. Now I don't know about all that, but I do wonder what these scientists are hoping to get when they “peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it.” Are they simply hoping to get information? New technology? Hidden knowledge? What's on the other side anyway? Is there something in there trying to get out?
Totally off topic, but has anyone seen Stranger Things? You know, the show where scientists in a giant secret research facility in a small town are secretly working deep underground on opening a portal into another dimension, and a guy who reminds me way too much of Gavin Newsom genetically modifies a young girl who becomes the "key" to opening that portal into another dimension? And remember when Newsom gets her to open the portal, but then hordes of terrible demon creatures come out of the portal and kill everyone, so the the girl (who is the key) has to lock the portal again before the ultimate destroyer is set free and the entire world is destroyed. Did you guys watch that one yet? I digress.
Very interesting
In 2008, one German scientist filed a lawsuit against CERN in the European Court of Human Rights on grounds that CERN was going to trigger a mini black hole that would destroy the earth. The case was thrown out. Black holes—mini or otherwise—are also known as bottomless pits. It's interesting to me that both the anti-religious scientific community and the religious community are equally concerned that CERN is going to open a bottomless pit. The atheist scientists followed the science to this conclusion, and the Christians simply read their Bibles. Both communities have come to the predicted the same inevitable outcome regarding CERN—they are going to open the abyss. Perhaps they already have.
I don't even want to know what they do behind closed doors.
In the following video, you can see the scientists of CERN inside of the Large Hadron Collider doing Shiva's dance of destruction. This film is calledSymmetryand won many prestigious film awards and was actually filmed inside of the Large Hadron Collider. See if you can watch this short film and still tell me you believe CERN is interested simply in science. I double dog dare you.
This film is very strange, but also very revealing. The text reads: "In the search for the smallest particle, he discovers a dance of the cosmos." A ring of light circles the text like a portal.
That text alone tells a story that we've seen in film and television many times. It's the story of a team of scientists whose curiosity leads them out to explore the universe, but once there, they discover something very different than they ever imagined possible.
As the film begins, four scientists dance in a circular motion around the main scientist, almost like a portal. He appears to be falling through the portal as they dance Shiva's dance of destruction around him. As he falls through the darkness of the abyss, his eyes glow with a bright light.
Immediately after this, he is in a deserted land with a ring around him—again, reminiscent of a portal—reaching his hand out to what is presumably satan, or perhaps the angel of the Bottomless Pit.
His watch begins to spin wildly, indicating that when the portal is opened, time somehow changes. Mandella Effect anyone?
An orgy of naked bodies entwined together in a sensual dance is depicted and the main scientist appears to be caught up and distracted in it while the satan/angel character watches on as if he were pulling the strings and controlling the man. Are these fallen angels? Who else is on the other side of the portal with him? Genesis 6 is all about fallen angels mating with humans
The computers back at CERN start alerting this message: "Collision Failed" and the man is suddenly traveling back through the abyss, trying to hold on to the satan/angel character, but they are pulled apart. The orgy begins to fall apart, and all of the naked bodies fall through an open portal, and the ecstacy is over just like that. This ends our story on what is clearly meant to be a tragic note.
It's hard to say, but it feels to me like a veiled progress update for interested parties, as if to say "we were so close!" Keep in mind this film was made in 2015, so seeing as it's six years later, I'd imagine they can have longer portal orgies by now. Maybe they can even get some of those fallen angels through to our side by now?
Well, if you thought that film was weird, hold onto your Bibles. In the following video, the scientists at CERN worship Baphomet—a transhuman, transgender goat. This is an abbreviated version—just the highlights—of the very lengthy satanic ritual CERN produced to celebrate the opening of the Gothard Tunnel.
Finally, it's worth mentioning the hidden symbols. The masons do it, the illuminati do it, they all do it. It's no mystery that practitioners of the occult likes to hide their hidden symbolism right under our noses, and CERN's acronym for the World Wide Web is a perfect example. In Hebrew—the language of God's people—the Vav is the letter for the English v and w. In Hebrew, the characters act as both numbers and letter, and the Vav has a numerical value of—you guessed it—6.
Vav are the nails in Christ's hands and feet as well.
I'm pretty sure you're not doing anything wrong when you type it into a computer, but I don't think it's a coincidence that nearly every single thing you've ever viewed or navigated to requires that very specific series of numbers be entered before it. Think about how many times they've got you to type that sequence of numbers so far since they invented the World Wide Web, and then extrapolate that out to everyone on earth who's ever used a computer. Think of how giddy these freaks must be every time they think about it.
In addition, have a look at CERN's official logo. Notice any numbers hidden in that design? Which numbers? How many? Three sixes you say? Must be a coincidence. There are probably some other numbers in there by chance as well. How many sevens do you see? Any fours? How about a two? No? Hmmm… interesting.
So, there you go. That was just a brief overview of CERN. There are many rabbit holes to go down here, and trust me, they all lead into the darkness. There is no doubt that CERN is heavily involved in the occult, and it seems they are accountable to no one.
I don't think it's a coincidence that we are seeing such an increase in UFO activity and "inter-dimensional beings", so much so that the mainstream news media is covering these events now. I have a feeling that our friends at CERN are in fact letting something pass through, whether it's just information and hidden knowledge at this point, or whether it's actual beings, I'm not sure. Perhaps they are simply peering in and coming away with the latest technology bump, creating the next space crafts that defy our conventional understanding of physics, or perhaps it's something more?
Is CERN trying to open the Bottomless Pit? Have they already opened The Abyss? Are they attempting to unlock the gates of Tartarus? I would love to know your thoughts on CERN, so if you have any questions, concerns, or if you've got some info you think should have been included in this post, let me know in the comments!
Keep seeking the truth! Stay Awake! Trust the Lord!
"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." (Proverbs 25:2)
Photo taken above Cern
The images were apparently taken on June 24, 2016, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment
Watch the video near the bottom of this page:
An anomaly sucks all the clouds into itself including what looks like a UFO
I think you're misunderstanding
It was the nails or 666 that killed Christ, it doesn't mean he's the Anti-Christ. 666 means anti-Christ.
I was looking for a meme I made and turned into a t-shirt back in the day of Trump riding Rosie O Donnell as a pig with a Trump 2020 Flag, but couldn't find it