Mark the "I've lost faith" spot
Apologies anon, it's an older card
muh joo muh joo muh joo muh joo muh joo
What crimes? I've seen accusations without no real evidence for five years now
Should we let the shills rant on and laugh in the background or just let them know their shit doesn't work, never has, never will
Hey!? How about that Clinton Foundation and Haiti?
Hey!? How much money did John Kerry's kid make in Ukraine?
Where's those fedboi documents on Seth Rich?
Where is Hunter's laptop now?
What's Ray Epps doing these days?
Currency of the future
Some random twitter dude? Any real sauce?
Rounding up Purebloods while having vaxx enhanced stress related heart attacks?
I need to spend more time at the local VFW, got two vets there were USMC Drill Instructors. Can just see some egotistical vaxxed & boosted try to order one of them around. Quivering jelly on the deck in mere moments
At one time somebody was, dunno when it last updated
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Identifying is one thing, not being the ones eliminated is another.
You seem to not realize the signifigence of the VFW. If it's Happy Hour, and the parking lot is empty, there's about to be some shit go down
If zelensky bomb capitol with any rockets, so I to start raucous party, then pick new capitol, then freedom the shit out of your capitol to make it safe for KFC franchises
I hope you stop try cheap translator software, so you to fake ingrish more gooder