God sees you NATO
He has set the hearts of Man Against you
There is no Escape, There is only [y]our Destruction
God sees you NATO
He has set the hearts of Man Against you
There is no Escape, There is only [y]our Destruction
[y]ou have made and Enemy of the Creator
& God is just fine with that
Good-B[y]e Old Guard
God Has Many Witnesses
We Will Observe the Destruction
We've seen the Beginning and the End
He is waiting, to hear from [y]ou
[y]ou and your kind have made Vows Against the Creator
[y]ou know the Punishment
Reconcile or be Destroyed
By the Hand of God Himself
The Lord Father Almighty
Has Heard our Prayers
He is Here
God is Coming for [y]ou
you gave Oaths, Sworn Against the Creator.
you were warned you Risk the Wrath of God