>>17781857 From Trump’s last full day in office on 1/19/21 to his “big announcement” today is exactly 666 days.
yeah nicole kidman is super interested in me eating ze bugs too
Elon Musk correctly states that unhindered free speech is a necessary for democracy to have a chance of working well. But even more is needed. You can't have kikes dominating the media, banking, etc and expect anyone but jews to feel like the government gives a shit about them. They blackball everyone who doesn't follow their bidding.
why nato stop yook FF?
one would expect nato to support yook FF
this is a good point
montage of our democracy
>Someone finally calls out the dumpster fire Devolution
he has a point
kek the cheat is strong in that one
fuck mitch repeatedly with a sawzall
it got really slow here since muh "new q" started poasting huh.
weird. one would think it should be the opposite.
it's almost as if anons ran away the instant "new q" started poasting
why would that be?
are anons dumb as a rock?
or are anons smart?
seen this face before
trying to place it
"not completely honest"
seems like coping TBH.
Q appearing should have been a game changer. And it would have been if anons believed it