Greatest Show on Earth: The Solar Eclipse
The Greatest story ever 'told' (movie)
Ascencion Island
The NASA Meter Class Autonomous Telescope: Ascension Island
The Meter Class Autonomous Telescope (MCAT) is the newest optical sensor dedicated to NASA s mission to characterize the space debris environment. It is the successor to a series of optical telescopes developed and operated by the JSC Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO) to monitor and assess the debris environment in (1) Low Earth Orbit (LEO), (2) Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and (3) Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO), with emphasis on LEO and GEO altitudes. A joint NASA-Air Force Research Labs project, MCAT is a 1.3m optical telescope dedicated to debris research.
focus the telescope during an eclipse.
Captured and stored by NASA in a database of images